Well, its a new year which means new content and potentially new and better things for this site. However I do not want to get totally ahead of myself as time has become a bit of a commodity as of late. So let’s start things out with some upcoming reviews:
- Borderlands 2
- Dead Space 3
- Dead Space 3: Awakened
- Code of Princess
- Adventure Time: Ice King, Why Did You Steal Our Garbage!
- Penny Arcade’s On The Rain-slick Precipice of Darkness 3
- The Elderscrolls V: Skyrim – Dragonborn
I realize some of these titles did not come out in 2013 but I wanted to write up some reviews of them as I’ve completed them as to give a well informed opinion.
I’ve decided to implement a simple rating system as well to all my reviews starting now. Now along with my observations from playing the game, there will be a final verdict in graphical form. The rating system will go as follows:
Anyways, keep an eye out for new posts as always.
Well, its a new year which means new content and potentially new and better things for this site. However I do not want to get totally ahead of myself as time has become a bit of a commodity as of late. So let’s start things out with some upcoming reviews:
- Borderlands 2
- Dead Space 3
- Dead Space 3: Awakened
- Code of Princess
- Adventure Time: Ice King, Why Did You Steal Our Garbage!
- Penny Arcade’s On The Rain-slick Precipice of Darkness 3
- The Elderscrolls V: Skyrim – Dragonborn
I realize some of these titles did not come out in 2013 but I wanted to write up some reviews of them as I’ve completed them as to give a well informed opinion.
I’ve decided to implement a simple rating system as well to all my reviews starting now. Now along with my observations from playing the game, there will be a final verdict in graphical form. The rating system will go as follows:
Anyways, keep an eye out for new posts as always.